Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh, Life.

Things have been pretty busy this past few weeks - I mean, the days just flip on past and I'm barely noticing that it is already March. And in it too! Not March 1st. It's March 8th! 2010 is just blazing past me all of a sudden and if there is one thing I didn't anticipate this year, it was speed.

Is that what happens? You hit your 30's and all of a sudden it's like you've got off the People Mover and are on Space Mountain?! Here's what I've been up to as of late:

Painting again - FO REAL, YO.  Spending time a studio space has been so good for my soul. I'm working on a portrait right now. It's my exercise to get back into the swing of things. It's just been about pencil and ink drawing for so long now that I can't even barely remember how to paint. So - it's a small portrait, but it's a portrait none the less.

Going to finish my cosmetology education starting this summer. I'd really love to be able to have hairstyling as my steady income, I have no doubts at all that this is what I want to do. I'm going to be super busy and super tired for about a year to get it done.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch Kell on Earth and knit.

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