Monday, June 14, 2010


 This is my bed.

You guys! I am leaving for San Francisco in TEN DAYS!

 I have so much to do before I leave. Do you even know what I have to look forward to in only ten days?

I have San Francisco Pride!

I have hot San Francisco dykes to look forward to. Smart, political, socially aware, stylish, cute short-hair-having sexy sexy dykes!!!! I'm going to be literally surrounded! I'm not going to know what to do with myself!  I'm going to be overwhelmed! It's possible that it might be too much. And if there is one thing I love? It's TOO MUCH!

Look at her hair! Her stylish shirt that is probably from Urban Outfitters! I probably want to rip it off of her!

Ok. In all seriousness, I do leave for San Francisco in ten days. I haven't been there since Summer 2007. Do you know what that means? Three years. Three long years since I've seen my dear friends, the Moe's and Mr. Browne.  Three long years since I have breathed in cool foggy SF air. Three long years since I've had a Cheesesteak from Jays. Three long years since I've stood on the Golden Gate bridge.

Three.   L     O     N     G.  Years.  (Thank you bad decisions and life)

This trip will also serve to scout out my new neighborhood. YES! It's true! Do you even know how excited I am? Finally. I'm driving up, taking my dog and we're going to just lez out with all the gays in San Francisco on Pride Weekend (and some cool straight people I know) and find our new neighborhood, eat good food, rest, and most importantly, catch up with aforementioned straight people.

It's going to be awesome.  However.

Before I can do any of that, I have to finish the work I'm prepping for my first solo show that opens THIS FRIDAY! Deets on my art blog, but seriously, this is such a great op for me and I'm really excited. Pretty much I'm going to be working hard core between now and as late Wednesday night as they'll give me before they come and physically remove my work from my hands to install it in the space in Los Angeles where it'll be for a few weeks. I need to scan the flyer so y'all can see it but damn. It's SO COOL.  My bio will be in the program, and my work will be for sale and hopefully will sell. 

Also have a couple of other irons in the fire that will be handled Monday. Monday is going to be insane.


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